Thursday, January 23, 2020

Montana Supreme Court Dispute On Funding Religious Schools

January 22nd 2020 the Montana Supreme Court met to speak on the funding to religous schools.Traditionally only public schools receive funding from their state, but Montana religious schools want to fight back. We all know the difference between church and state but the Montana Supreme Court talks about lowering that wall of dividing the two when it comes to education.

      This case involved a launch of people or businesses that would receive tax credits in 2015 if they donated to Montana private schools. The money earned was to go toward parents payments to sending their children to private school. Shortly after this was launch it was decided that the money earned was not allowed to be uses to help parents pay for religious school tuition. 

Montana residents protest the dispute on funding regions schools.

      After this statement was released three Montana mothers with children in religious school had an uproar and took their anger to the Supreme Court. After the case was brought to court the Supreme Court ruled that the entire tax credits for private school scholarship was unconstitutional. After this the law was completely cancelled and no scholarships were being received for any school.

      Now in 2020 the fight has been brought back up to court again on Wednesday, January 22nd. On the 22nd the question was brought to the Supreme Court by Richard Komer 'is whether the U.S. Constitution allows the wholesale exclusion of religious schools from a state scholarship program. It does not." The Supreme Courts response was since now no school is receiving scholarships, religious schools and non-religious school, therefore nobody was receiving discrimination.

Other Montana residence line up to support the fight for funding on religious schools.

    This case will continue on until the end of June when the Supreme Court will determine a decision. Until then the fight will continue that religious schools should receive the same scholarship money as private schools. 

Source: Williams , P. (2020, January 22). Supreme Court appears likely to allow public funding for religious schools. Retrieved from

Montana Supreme Court Dispute On Funding Religious Schools

January 22nd 2020 the Montana Supreme Court met to speak on the funding to religous schools.Traditionally only public schools receive fundi...