Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Google Finds Itself in an Anti-Trust Investigation

         An article was posted September 10th 2019 that 48 states have launched an investigations on Google for violations of the anti-trust laws. First off what is an anti-trust law? An anti-trust law is competition laws, these laws are statutes developed by the U.S. government to protect consumers from predatory business practices. They ensure that fair competition exists in an open-market economy.
         Google has become the highest form of advertisement and controls major parts of the internet when it comes to advertising. Google is being accused of becoming proficient in stomping out smaller advertising companies. Many small advertisers have tried their best to fight Google on its stranglehold on the market that has recently become a system of whatever Google say goes...
          Investigators are currently working to look into Google and its elegized over dominance in the online adverting marketing world where they have also been seen to control the internet searches. In March 2019 European Regulators fined Google 1.7 billion dollars for forcing advertisers to only advertise with Google.
          This potential monopolistic behavior from Google has investigators focused on current firms control of online advertising,markets and search traffic. This year Google will have a 31% of control of global digital ad dollar, according to some estimations. In this fight against Google Missouri's Attorney General Eric Schmitt had some words about the situation, he said "It's like if you were trying to buy a house, and Google owned the house, and a lot of houses on your block. And they were the buyer's agent and also the seller's agent," he also said "It would raise questions, certainly."
       Jen King who is the director of privacy at Stanford's Center for Internet and Society spoke out and said "There's definitely concern on the part of the advertisers themselves that Google wields way too much power in setting rates and favoring their own services over others," Google speaks back and states that their business is large and it provides useful and beneficial services to consumers. They also said that it does appear regulars are growing more concern to not just the effects on the regular internet users but on its smaller companies also.

Source: Ivanova, I. (n.d.). 48 States Launched Antitrust Investigation into Google. Retrieved from

Montana Supreme Court Dispute On Funding Religious Schools

January 22nd 2020 the Montana Supreme Court met to speak on the funding to religous schools.Traditionally only public schools receive fundi...