Thursday, April 30, 2020


What is propaganda? Propaganda is information that is used primarily to influence an audience and further an agenda, which may not be objective and may be presenting facts selectively to encourage a particular synthesis. Propaganda was invented in 1622 that first referred as a commonly used word in Europe. It was first used when Pope Gregory XV created the Congregation for the Proganation of the Catholic Church and faith. Moving into the 20th century the term propaganda started receive a negative connotation. 

Society can be effected/persuaded by propaganda. Wartime propaganda was a huge hit and a great influence. In World War 2 propaganda showed pictures of the Jappease culture, and painted ALL Jappease people were bad. Although we were fighting Japan that does not mean that the entire culture is the enemy. The result though indeed created a strong hatred for the culture. Another part of Wartime propaganda was the hate on the Jews. Posters and radio commercials comparing Jews to rats and useless things and items or even referred to as devils.  

 When impressionable people and mind see this propaganda everywhere they look they start to believe it. Wartime propaganda was also used to promote things and idea that are not negative. For example propaganda could say "support the troops" or the famous "We need you". This type of propaganda provided no hate, it was used to get donations during the war, support and excitement. 
Propaganda can effect anyone and any demographic. There is propaganda that includes the LGBTQ community and there is propaganda that is anti-LGBTQ. Vote Trump 2020 propaganda vs. Do Not Vote Trump 2020 propaganda. A lot of propaganda is most political these days bur can also be used in religious ways and advertising. Propaganda is a powerful tool that can is not seen more negatively than positive. 

I believe propaganda can effect my generation greatly, and actually is. I have found myself fall into propaganda and not even realize it. I have noticed that I would start to dislike certain things just because others did, just because it was posted all the time. When in reality I had never studied up or learned knowledge on the issue, I would just follow the crowed. My generation is Z and it seems that we have grown up in the age of technologic advances and that makes propaganda even more assessable. My parents generation is less likely to experience this because of there lack of ethnologic advancement when they were growing up and being to form their own opinions. 

Propaganda is a popular and effective tool that is still used today. There are many types of propaganda that is used today. Some types are 
  • Card-Stacking Propaganda. Probably the most common type of propaganda in advertising today is card-stacking propaganda. ... 
  • Name-Calling Propaganda. ... 
  • Bandwagon Propaganda. ... 
  • Testimonial Propaganda. ... 
  • Transfer Propaganda. ... 
  • Glittering Generalities Propaganda
All these types of propaganda are used very single day and we do not even see it or realize it sometimes. Although propaganda is seen negative it can have positive and negative effects on a community or country.

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