Friday, May 1, 2020

My Thoughts & Relationship with Technology

Having a relationship with technology is a necessity in this day in age. It seems that it is the only way to stay connected in all aspects of life. I personally have a connection with technology because I have had to but there are sometimes I wish I did not have to use it. 

From age 7-12 I remember the feeling of my mom taking me to PartyCity so that I could pick out invitations to my birthday party. I would pick out my very favorite and start writing. After they were completed we would use the phone book and my schools directory to addresses the letters. After that I would wait for the invitations to come back with my friends RSVP. Weeks later the party would happen and I would then send out my thank you letters to my friends, thanking them for the gift they got me. 

Then the next year I was ready to get some cool teenager invites at PartyCity. When I asked my mom to go she told me we should do e-vites. Since 2012 I most likely have not sent much of anything by mail except clothing returns. The world of email and e-vites had taken over. We used the e-vites because that way you could receive an instant response instead of waiting for postal time. The internet has been a very useful tool when it comes to staying in touch and being time efficient but it has taken away basic skills. I am sure today many children growing up do not know how to address a letter. 

I like my personal relationship with technology when it comes to school. Although I did like writing letters, I would hate if I had to wait for my professor to write me back if I had a question about the assignment. With email my professors can get in touch with me within minutes. 

Technology is completely informative, I am able to check homework online, turn in assignments, read the news watch videos and so much more because it is so instant. Although, not all of its information is properly informative. Cites like Wikipedia are mostly great and educational but did you know that ANYONE can publish on Wikipedia. That means right now I can post an article on how to write a novel and people would probably believe it. The bad part is, I do not know how to write a novel. We have to be careful using cites and outlets to make sure our quick information is actually information and not ideas. 

Moving into social technology, that is a scary world and a great world. I love Facebook because my extended family is all across the country and world. My cousins in Germany like and comment on my post all the time, they are always telling to keep posting pictures because it keeps them informed on what I am up to. That also goes for my Grandma, my aunts, uncles and close friends. That part of social media is so awesome because I am also able to do the same thing with their lives. 

Heres where the beauty turns to ugly. Online bullying is out of control and completely disgusting. I study showed that 87% of young internet users have experience cyber-bullying, and 95% of teenage have social media. That means that kids are getting bullied every single day. The suicide rate of teens was not rising until social media. In the time of 2000-2007 the rate of suicides among 10 to 24 year old was around 6.8%. From just 2017-present day those rates have change, today. The United States faces a 10.6% suicide rate in ages 10 to 24. That number is a 56 % increase in 10 years. To me it does not seem like a coincidence that around the time of the rise of social media there was also a rise in suicide rates.

I have a cousin who is 13 and she was allowed to get social media this year. She was so happy and couldn't wait to start posting. I began to notice she seemed to only be following models. Models are career driven individuals and I think they are respectable but they are hard to look at, especially all day long. I started to see that my cousins posts had changed from smiling and acting goofy to hot poses, to much make up and revealing clothing. I was shocked, then it hit me I remember seeing Kendall Jenner who is a very successful model post a rather similar revealing photo.  Kendall had hundreds of thousands of likes and the same amount in comments. I wanted to guide my cousin and hold and open conversation about her pictures and she was honest. She told me that is the only way to get lots of likes. She also said that boys only comment on pictures like that, not the ones that are goofy. That broke my heart, hearing that my cousin is growing up in a world dominated by looks, likes and comments was sickening. The worst part was that was not even her fault. Her world has become all about the very things that are not actually important. This has caused an increase in eating disorders in the United States. 3.8% of females ages 13-18 have eating disorders, males ages 13-18 are at a 1.5%. Statistics also show that over 12,000 of teens 15 to 18 are a 4th under weight.

Technology is full of pros and cons. We have used it to go on the moon, makes cars, and heat up our food but it had also been used to hurt others. I think the post important thing in this age is to monitor is your a parent and educate. Educate early, before these kids are getting social media.Teach them that one opinion is not all and that life is to precious to loose. Technology has connected me to High Point, family, traveling and so much more good things. I hope that technology can improve on having more pros and less cons. Over all I think that we should all learned to practice safe use, and enjoy it. It is not going anywhere anytime soon so we should use it the correct way, use its powers for good and not even.

Thursday, April 30, 2020

EOTO 2: Covid-19 Adaptations

When the virus break out of China in early January, we had no idea how much our lives would change. Covid-19 took the world my storm and has effected 212 countries. The United States recently took the lead as the country with the most cases of Covid-19. As our lives changed, we learned to adapt. Restaurants, businesses, schools churches and many more have learned how to keep going.

Shortly after the mandatory stay at home order many of businesses made adjustments fast. We can order on the phone and have curb-side pick up with minimal contact. We can still go through drive-thrus where the employees have on their gloves and masks on. We can now have more foods delivered to our door that did not deliver before. Restaurant have also started taking payments and tips online so if its for delivery, they can ring the doorbell and walk away so there is no contact at all. The restaurant businesses are struggling but adapting better everyday to insure there success and safety along with ours.

Churches have adapted to the virus as well. Services have it the online world, where anyone can log on and worship. Churches have live services and masses, so that you can watch right then and there or they have recorded services and can post them to their websites so that people can also watch it on their own time as well. The Pope of the Roman Catholic Church said "creativity of love can overcome isolation."

Schools had to cancel while they approached the very end of the year. Teachers had to learn how to move all their students, lesson plans and whole teaching style online in a short amount of time. The students had to learn how to adjust as well. Students now have to take tests, do homework and learn how to balance their time. It had been a struggle on both side but eventually school got acclimated and are getting through it. Graduations have adapted to online ceremonies, proms have been rescheduled to summer proms. Schools have learned how to adjust to get the year over and give students the best end of year and education they could.

Birthdays have also adjusted, although you can not be with your friends and family during this time doesn't mean you can't see them! People have organized ride throughs where they are driving past the the birthday boy or girls home with signs, balloons, cheers and honks to show their love. Ride throughs have also been beneficial to students, some schools have had teachers ride through there students neighborhoods to cheer them on and show there support for the students doing school online.

Things have greatly changed in our world but we are learning that we can survive and adapt to just about anything. It has been a hard adjustment but we are all in this together. So stay home, stay healthy and stay positive!


What is propaganda? Propaganda is information that is used primarily to influence an audience and further an agenda, which may not be objective and may be presenting facts selectively to encourage a particular synthesis. Propaganda was invented in 1622 that first referred as a commonly used word in Europe. It was first used when Pope Gregory XV created the Congregation for the Proganation of the Catholic Church and faith. Moving into the 20th century the term propaganda started receive a negative connotation. 

Society can be effected/persuaded by propaganda. Wartime propaganda was a huge hit and a great influence. In World War 2 propaganda showed pictures of the Jappease culture, and painted ALL Jappease people were bad. Although we were fighting Japan that does not mean that the entire culture is the enemy. The result though indeed created a strong hatred for the culture. Another part of Wartime propaganda was the hate on the Jews. Posters and radio commercials comparing Jews to rats and useless things and items or even referred to as devils.  

 When impressionable people and mind see this propaganda everywhere they look they start to believe it. Wartime propaganda was also used to promote things and idea that are not negative. For example propaganda could say "support the troops" or the famous "We need you". This type of propaganda provided no hate, it was used to get donations during the war, support and excitement. 
Propaganda can effect anyone and any demographic. There is propaganda that includes the LGBTQ community and there is propaganda that is anti-LGBTQ. Vote Trump 2020 propaganda vs. Do Not Vote Trump 2020 propaganda. A lot of propaganda is most political these days bur can also be used in religious ways and advertising. Propaganda is a powerful tool that can is not seen more negatively than positive. 

I believe propaganda can effect my generation greatly, and actually is. I have found myself fall into propaganda and not even realize it. I have noticed that I would start to dislike certain things just because others did, just because it was posted all the time. When in reality I had never studied up or learned knowledge on the issue, I would just follow the crowed. My generation is Z and it seems that we have grown up in the age of technologic advances and that makes propaganda even more assessable. My parents generation is less likely to experience this because of there lack of ethnologic advancement when they were growing up and being to form their own opinions. 

Propaganda is a popular and effective tool that is still used today. There are many types of propaganda that is used today. Some types are 
  • Card-Stacking Propaganda. Probably the most common type of propaganda in advertising today is card-stacking propaganda. ... 
  • Name-Calling Propaganda. ... 
  • Bandwagon Propaganda. ... 
  • Testimonial Propaganda. ... 
  • Transfer Propaganda. ... 
  • Glittering Generalities Propaganda
All these types of propaganda are used very single day and we do not even see it or realize it sometimes. Although propaganda is seen negative it can have positive and negative effects on a community or country.

Montana Supreme Court Dispute On Funding Religious Schools

January 22nd 2020 the Montana Supreme Court met to speak on the funding to religous schools.Traditionally only public schools receive fundi...