Tuesday, February 25, 2020

The Invention Of The Printing Press

How Did It All Start?

The Printing Press was first invented in 1440 by Johannes Gutenberg in Mainz, Germany. This device allowed for the printing of uniformed matters such as pamphlets, books and newspapers. This invention would later be referred to as the printer, which would later become a common household device. Gutenberg had sparked the idea of the invention when using his winemaker in which was the retrofitted to develop the printing press. Each letter was made of brass or lead and was placed on the wooden bed. Gutenberg discovered how to make his own ink and later printed his first and now very rare book, the Gutenberg Bible.
Before this invention East Asia had been using something similar to the printing press in the Tang Dynasty in China around the time of the 8th century. Even before the Tang Dynasty there had been sketched iof type of printing press as early as the 3rd century. The printing press made history for itself by revolutionizing the world. The printing press led to the Renaissance, Enlightenment and Industrial Revolution due to its ability to print quick, easy and fast distributions.
The press works with an inked surface and paper in which it is transcribed by using nink to brush and rub onto the paper continuously to eventually complete an ink transfer. The machine is made up of several screw mechanisms. This also led to the extensive use of the assembly-line so that mass production of text products could be made and sent out as fast as possible. 
The printing press affected the world greatly. With this new invention the rapid spread of information fluished. People were able to receive information internationally so much faster. Newspapers were a hit, everyone wanted a newspaper to keep up with what is going on, soon newspapers would be printed every single day! It also leads to a wide spread of religion. People were able to print bibles and religious words all around the world and it was exposing people to religion. Scientific journals and theories were printed inspiring people to think to greater heights. The ability to mass produce words was an outlet to people's ability to learn and understand more. With the printing press the world has changed and is considered one of the best inneton of all time.
In conclusion I think that the printing press has done wonderful things for us. Learning about it has me really thinking how much I read and learn everyday. That is possible through Gutenberg and his invention of the printing press.

Why Anti-War Is Not Spoke About In New Medias

Why Not Talk About Anti-War Websites?

Why anti-war isn't talked about much in the news. I personally believe that as a country that is known for it's power in war, we do not promote nor not promote anti-war acts that often. If we talk about how we do not believe in war our country could be viewed as weak, which could put a target on our backs from other malicious countries . Unfortunately, this world can be a cruel an inhuman place where other countries would love to see the United States fall and that is one reason I think the anti-war acts and promotions are not actively talked about in the news as one reason.

I have never heard of these websites and they have voices of people who truly want to make a change and put an end to all the unnecessary fighting and tragedy that war can bring and inflict, which is POWERFUL. I believe these views should be seen like any other views in the media and be promoted. I just believe that in this world we live in today, we are proud of the strength and title the United States has earned from its ability to serve and product its civilians. I think that anti-war is promoted in a way. I do not know anyone that likes war and anyone that wants to endorse it but it does seem that way from the media sometimes. 

I think that some reasons that the mainstream media does not talk about these websites and voices because they are essentially doing their job. News media wants their media out to the public first because we have to remember they are a business first. They want their own content out to the public for others to see and read about first. They also want to appeal to as many parts of the audience as possible and at the moment people seem to want to know whats going on with the war. They want to know whats going on because it is based on fear and wanting to learn where our country is at, because it is a scary topic. 

So news medias will produce what the consumers want to hear. I think another reason is that if the media doesn't inform us on the horrible informations of current war statuses it will not educate those on how awful it truly is, which in a way is an anti-war promotion without actually promoting website such as the ones we just read. Talking about the devastations of war make people HATE war.

I think the news medias know that we have to go to war until everyone gets on the same page if we want to keep everything that soldiers and people died for, everything we stand for as a country for now. I do hope and pray the day comes that no child has to loose a parent or no wife or husband has to raise his or her children alone due to the deaths and violences war brings, I pray for these soldiers protection and that the leaders in charge do what is best for us and them to bring them home to their families and end the war.

Montana Supreme Court Dispute On Funding Religious Schools

January 22nd 2020 the Montana Supreme Court met to speak on the funding to religous schools.Traditionally only public schools receive fundi...