Thursday, April 30, 2020

EOTO 2: Covid-19 Adaptations

When the virus break out of China in early January, we had no idea how much our lives would change. Covid-19 took the world my storm and has effected 212 countries. The United States recently took the lead as the country with the most cases of Covid-19. As our lives changed, we learned to adapt. Restaurants, businesses, schools churches and many more have learned how to keep going.

Shortly after the mandatory stay at home order many of businesses made adjustments fast. We can order on the phone and have curb-side pick up with minimal contact. We can still go through drive-thrus where the employees have on their gloves and masks on. We can now have more foods delivered to our door that did not deliver before. Restaurant have also started taking payments and tips online so if its for delivery, they can ring the doorbell and walk away so there is no contact at all. The restaurant businesses are struggling but adapting better everyday to insure there success and safety along with ours.

Churches have adapted to the virus as well. Services have it the online world, where anyone can log on and worship. Churches have live services and masses, so that you can watch right then and there or they have recorded services and can post them to their websites so that people can also watch it on their own time as well. The Pope of the Roman Catholic Church said "creativity of love can overcome isolation."

Schools had to cancel while they approached the very end of the year. Teachers had to learn how to move all their students, lesson plans and whole teaching style online in a short amount of time. The students had to learn how to adjust as well. Students now have to take tests, do homework and learn how to balance their time. It had been a struggle on both side but eventually school got acclimated and are getting through it. Graduations have adapted to online ceremonies, proms have been rescheduled to summer proms. Schools have learned how to adjust to get the year over and give students the best end of year and education they could.

Birthdays have also adjusted, although you can not be with your friends and family during this time doesn't mean you can't see them! People have organized ride throughs where they are driving past the the birthday boy or girls home with signs, balloons, cheers and honks to show their love. Ride throughs have also been beneficial to students, some schools have had teachers ride through there students neighborhoods to cheer them on and show there support for the students doing school online.

Things have greatly changed in our world but we are learning that we can survive and adapt to just about anything. It has been a hard adjustment but we are all in this together. So stay home, stay healthy and stay positive!

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