Friday, April 24, 2020

TED Talks

I think these TED Talks were eye opening. I really liked the metaphor that was, explaining how our lives on social media can be like a 
tattoo, but a digital one. What it means is that a tattoo has a story behind it mostly, it tells something about you and your life. Same with your electrical tattoo, the more information you tell about yourself on social media is adding to your story. I thought that was almost scary because if you really keep track of everything that you post and share and talk about I don't know about you but my body would be COVERED in tattoos, which is scary. It all adds up and you don't realize it, It seems constant that I talk about going a vacation to Florida and immediately after in my Facebook page there will be a advertisement on house to stay at in Florida. Thats some creepy stuff, but we do nothing about it. Instead of protecting ourselves we continue to add to the tattoo. 

The TED Talk about police surveillance explained how just by simply tracking our vehicle so show where we go can tell the police so much about you. They can know where you got to church, if you have been to drug or alcohol counseling, where your kids go to daycare. This information use to be private and now police departments can make their own assumptions about you without even knowing you. We also face license plate readers, this helps the police collect mass qualities of data of where Americans are going. Date, time and location  are just some things they can collect, along with photos of who the driver is with as well. All this information is pulling into a large data base with hundreds of millions hits about where Americans go. 

Moving onto wire tapping. Computing has changed everything, our phones and networks where used as a type of surveillance before they were used for everyday life. This means anytime we speak, someone would listen, it could be out government, other governments, or even stalkers that have hacked into our personal conversations. Government Officials are becoming anger because tech companies are working on incriptions to keep others out. We all use the same communications outlets, so if agents can hack into the "drug dealers" phone, they can hack into yours. It can be a scary thought, anyone at anytime can be listening. The problems with most communication technologies is the back doors they have made for themselves that can also be easily hacked. Back doors allow bad guys to have the same access as the good guys. Thats a big risk we take because we allow tapping and back doors within our communication devices. So they whole message in the talk was that we should be using devices with encrypting tools, because they are secure. 

The last talk was about privacy. The speaker Darieth speaks about how naked photos of her had leaked and surfaced the internet. She was in total shock. A man created a website, in her name and posted photos, videos and personal informations that was inappropriate and explict  She learned that 1 in 10 women will experience revenge porn. Revenge porn is when a ex lover can not physically harm the women, so they hurt the victim digitally. The suicide rate is climbing because women are loosing jobs because of revenge porn, women are depressed because they is no laws to protect them from revenge porn. It took Darieth months to get her content removed due to third party internet companies. Stalking and harassment from other countries does not protect us in the United State. It was not until Darieth handed over everything she had to Homeland Security, exposing and humiliating herself to receive justice. There should be laws, many laws protect human from revenge porn, because 1 in 10 women will face it.

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